TrowbridgeJun 7, 2021Blog PostsUK NEWS: HELENA TURNER JOINS TROWBRIDGE AS DIRECTOR OF TAX, PRIVATE CLIENT SERVICESTrowbridge is very pleased to welcome Helena Turner to our International team in London, UK as the Director of Tax, Private Client...
TrowbridgeMay 6, 2021Blog PostsPEARSON & CO. MERGES WITH TROWBRIDGE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONTORONTO: Trowbridge Professional Corporation is very pleased to announce that the office of Pearson & Co. based out of Toronto, ON has...
TrowbridgeApr 15, 2021Blog PostsOUR AHMEDABAD OFFICE TURNS ONE!It's our Ahmedabad office's first year anniversary! From the firm’s inception in 2002 to opening offices internationally including our...
TrowbridgeApr 15, 2021Blog PostsWEBINAR: REMOTE WORKING FROM A CANADIAN/UK CORPORATE & PERSONAL TAX & EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVECOVID-19 has created new challenges for remote workers operating abroad. On April 22, join the tax experts from Trowbridge alongside...
TrowbridgeApr 6, 2021Blog PostsEMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION DEDUCTION CHANGES ARE NOW IN EFFECT - IMPACTS FOR EMPLOYERS & EMPLOYEESPrior to July 1, 2021 paragraph 110(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act generally allowed employees to claim a 50%[1] deduction off the taxable...