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Helena Turner - Director Tax & Business Development in Expatriate Tax (TITSL) - London


QUESTION - First, please introduce yourself by sharing an anecdote or an experience, personal or professional, that has made you who you are today.

I first joined the buzzing world of global mobility and expat tax when equality was being seriously discussed and changes were starting to happen. Saying that, it was a time when all of the senior management in the big 8 firm was male - one day I was summoned into a partner’s smoke-filled office and given a real ticking off for wearing trousers that day!

QUESTION - What does March 8th mean for you?

March 8th has been recognized and sponsored by the United Nations as International Women’s day annually since 1977. For me it is a great time to appreciate and celebrate just now far women have come in many (sadly not all) societies around the globe. It is also a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the many great women who have gotten us here and realize just how much we all contribute to society each and every day.

QUESTION - What advice or words of wisdom would you give young women who would like to learn from your career and follow in your footsteps?

This is an exciting time to be a young woman!

Women now have the right and the ability to make choices in life that were either previously denied or simply did not exist! Among these are the abilities to be financially independent and to be equal on a social, cultural and political basis which is only right, right?

I do not have any headline grabbing, life changing words of advice that will turn your lives upside down but you may want to consider learning as much as you can and being mindful to you and to others. Here is a link which I hope will be of some help along the way

QUESTION - Tell us about your Role and Service Line at Trowbridge Professional Corporation.

I joined Trowbridge just over 18 months ago as head of the London office with the aim to expand and develop the UK business. Whilst the role has evolved into one of a more technical nature it has been a great opportunity to get intimately reacquainted with the US tax system and to get to know the varied and interesting client base we are looking after. The UK office which has team members in the UK, Canada and India provides US, UK and expat personal tax compliance and advisory services. We also deal with Canadian tax return preparation and tax planning services through our fantastic teams in Canada.

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